Happy Birthday Online Reporting

Written on 08/22/2023
Cheri Spottke

Happy Birthday online reporting!

Westminster PD went live with online reporting one year ago.
Over the past year there have been 1,767 reports filed by citizens online.

Filing a report online is convenient and accessible. It allows you to submit information from the comfort of your own space. Online reporting is available 24/7 making it easy to file a report at anytime.

You can report the listed crimes below online if your total loss is under $9,999. If the crime you need to report is not listed below or greater than $9,999, please call dispatch at (303) 658-4360.
Damaged Property (Criminal Mischief)
Vehicle Break In (Criminal Trespass)
Lost Property
Motor Vehicle Theft (Attempt Only)
ID Theft/Misappropriation
